Welcome Tears For Fears/Roland Orzabal & Curt Smith Fans.
We hope you enjoy looking at all the Tears For Fears content as there are 100's of items for you to explore.
We do not cut and paste other people's scan's. If it appears on our pages it is in our physical collection and the photo's you see have been scanned by us.
Including our archive of photos, magazine articles, vinyl records, cd's, posters, and many other unique item's.
Webmaster: Brian
Click here for a quick peek at some ultra rare TFF items
Constantly Under Construction
Click on the picture above to be taken to the Archive of articles/photos
Please select a page to view articles (Photos are also on these pages).
We have lots of magazine, newspaper articles and pic's of Roland and Curt. None of these items are for sale or trade.
The best way to let Roland and Curt know that you are a fan and support their music is to buy all your TFF/Orzabal/Smith CD's New.
Please do not ask us to provide MP3'S or CD-R's as we do not Make, Sell or Trade them.
Memorabilia and Collectibles. Tears For Fears Display items, Postcards, Tickets, Backstage Passes and lot's lot's more. Please note. The items from our personal collection are not for sale.
Archive of items the TFF world service sent to fans
Tears For Fears Press release kits and more
Memorabilia Shop
Tears For Fears World Service.
Several "Rare" video stills of TFF.
Email Us:
Webmaster: Brian
Sales: Sharon
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Webmaster's who are using our scans or who would like to, please read.
Webmaster's,Thank you for visiting our site. It is our policy to not use other peoples scans. We do not put any scans of any items up on our pages that have not been scanned by us. All the scans on our pages come from our personal TFF collection of actual items. We have marked all of our scans. If you are using our scans we ask that you let us know and provide a link to our site on the same page(s) your displaying our scans. In return we will be happy to add a link to your site from our pages. Once again we don't mind sharing what has taken us over 15 years to gather, just let us know. Thanks to the webmasters that have asked permission.
We are dedicated Fans of Tears For Fears, We have been collecting Tears For Fears items since the early 80's. Our web page was launched on July 12th,1998 to share what we have collected with other TFF fans. Neither Roland or Curt or any one else involved with TFF has lent any support of any kind to keep this web site running. All expenses incurred with keeping this site available on the Internet have been incurred by us.
Please note:
The copyrights of the photographs/articles and artifacts used on this extensive TFF cluster site are owned by the photographer(s) or/and pertinent owners of the items displayed